§ 13-108. Actions needing approval in open meeting.
(a) In general.- Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, unless the action is approved in advance by the Annapolis Authority at an open meeting, the Annapolis Authority may not:
(1) award a contract exceeding $5,000;
(2) pay more than $350 for official travel, hotel, and meal expenses; or
(3) pay more than $350 for items for personal use, including automobiles.
(b) Reimbursements require advance approval.- The Annapolis Authority may not reimburse a Commissioner or an employee for expenses incurred unless the reimbursement is approved in advance by the Annapolis Authority at an open meeting.
(c) Emergency contracts allowed.- In an emergency, the Annapolis Authority or the Executive Director may award a contract exceeding $5,000 if the contract is brought before the Annapolis Authority for review at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
(d) Recovery of money.- Money awarded or spent in violation of this section may be recovered by the Annapolis Authority or the City of Annapolis, as appropriate, from the person compensated, together with costs and reasonable attorney's fees that the court determines.
[An. Code 1957, art. 44A, § 10-102(f); 2006, ch. 63, § 2.]