§ 16-110. Assisted family housing.
(a) Definitions.- In this section, the terms "assisted family housing" and "moderate priced dwelling units" have the meanings stated in Montgomery County law.
(b) Scope.- This section does not apply to proposed scattered sites and moderate priced dwelling units:
(1) that are acquired for assisted family housing;
(2) that are proposed by the Montgomery Commission; and
(3) for which a public hearing is not required under Montgomery County law.
(c) Public hearing and report.-
(1) The Montgomery Commission shall hold a public hearing on any assisted family housing it proposes and report in writing the findings and conclusions from the hearing.
(2) At least 15 days before the hearing, the Montgomery Commission shall give notice of the hearing by a display advertisement in two newspapers of general circulation in the county.
[An. Code 1957, art. 44A, § 2-102(g); 2006, ch. 63, § 2.]