§ 4-212. Determination of families of limited income.
(a) Factors.- In establishing the upper income limits for a family of limited income, the Secretary shall consider factors including:
(1) the income of the family available for housing;
(2) the size of the family;
(3) the cost and condition of available housing;
(4) the ability of the family to compete in the private housing market; and
(5) standards and definitions established for federal housing programs.
(b) Variability.- The limits established under subsection (a) of this section may vary for different:
(1) types of housing;
(2) programs of the Administration; and
(3) areas of the State.
(c) Lower limit for particular project.- A limit established under subsection (a) of this section may be supplemented for a particular project.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83B, § 2-203(l); 2005, ch. 26, § 2.]