§ 4-401. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 83B, § 2-801(a).
No changes are made.
(b) Fund.- "Fund" means the Rental Housing Program Fund.
Special Revisor's Note.
As enacted by Ch. 26, Acts of 2005, this subsection was new language added to provide a convenient reference to the Rental Housing Program Fund. However, Chapter 118, Acts of 2006, renumbered this subsection.
(c) Program.- "Program" means the Elderly Rental Housing Program.
Special Revisor's Note.
As enacted by Ch. 26, Acts of 2005, this subsection formerly was Art. 83B, § 2-801(h). However, Chapter 118, Acts of 2006, renumbered this subsection.
No changes are made.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83B, § 2-801(a), (d), (h); 2005, ch. 26, § 2; 2006, ch. 118, §§ 2, 3.]