§ 7-201. Notice of intent - Required.
(a) In general.- The owner of an assisted project shall give written notice of intent not less than 1 year and not more than 2 years before the effective date of the protected action.
(b) Persons to receive notice of intent.- The owner shall give the notice of intent to:
(1) the chief executive officer of each political subdivision in which the assisted project is located;
(2) each public housing authority in a political subdivision in which the assisted project is located;
(3) each tenant association that represents a rental unit in the assisted project, if the tenant association has given the owner the title and mailing address of a representative to receive the notice of intent;
(4) each assisted household of the assisted project; and
(5) the Secretary, who shall notify every other person who has requested the notice of intent.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83B, § 9-103(a)(1), (b); 2005, ch. 26, § 2.]