§ 1-211. Limitations on disclosure.
(a) In general.-
(1) A public agency may not disclose information or records under § 1-210 of this subtitle if:
(i) disclosure is prohibited by federal law; or
(ii) the public agency has not obtained written consent if required by § 1-212 of this subtitle.
(2) A public agency may disclose only the information and records that are identified specifically in the written request.
(b) Child protective services records.-
(1) A public agency may not disclose child protective services records collected before October 1, 1993, unless the person in interest gives consent after being given an opportunity to review the records and the information to be disclosed.
(2) On request, the person in interest may review the entire child protective services record regarding the minor.
(3) A public agency may not disclose to the person in interest or a requesting public agency the identity of:
(i) a reporter of abuse or neglect; or
(ii) another person whose life or safety is likely to be endangered by the disclosure.
(c) Confidentiality.- Information and records disclosed to a public agency under this part shall remain confidential and, except as provided in § 1-212(c) of this subtitle, may not be further disclosed.
(d) Information collected by Children's Cabinet.- Information collected by the Children's Cabinet under § 1-212 of this subtitle may not be redisclosed in any form that reveals the identity of a recipient of services.
[An. Code 1957, art. 49D, §§ 3-104, 3-106; 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]