§ 10-101. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 70B, § 1(a).
In this section and throughout this title, the references to this "title" are substituted for the former references to this "article" to reflect the organization of this article.
No other changes are made.
(b) Area agency.- "Area agency" means the local agency that the Department designates in accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965 to administer the delivery of a comprehensive and coordinated plan of social and other services and activities for seniors in a planning and service area.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 1(b).
The former reference to the Older Americans Act "as amended" is deleted in light of Art. 1, § 21, which provides generally that a reference to a law includes any amendments to the law.
As to the substitution of the reference to "seniors" for the former reference to "the elderly", see General Revisor's Note to title.
Defined Terms.
"Department" § 10-101
"Planning and service area" § 10-101
(c) Congregate housing services.- "Congregate housing services" means services provided in an apartment building that promote independent living for an eligible individual.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 1(c), except as it related to the services included in "congregate housing services" and eligibility requirements for services.
(d) Department.- "Department" means the Department of Aging.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 70B, § 1(d).
No changes are made.
(e) Interagency Committee.- "Interagency Committee" means the unit established in § 10-301 of this title to oversee the coordination and consolidation of services for seniors in the State.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 1(e).
The reference to the "unit established in § 10-301 of this title" is substituted for the former reference to the "body designated in this article" for clarity.
As to the substitution of the reference to "seniors" for the former reference to "the elderly", see General Revisor's Note to title.
The former reference to the Interagency Committee "on Aging Services" is deleted for brevity.
(f) Planning and service area.- "Planning and service area" means an area of the State that the Department designates in accordance with the Older Americans Act of 1965 for the planning and administration of social, health, and other services for seniors.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 1(f).
The reference to an "area" is substituted for the former reference to a "subdivision or subdivisions" for clarity.
As to the substitution of the reference to "seniors" for the former reference to "the elderly", see General Revisor's Note to title.
The former reference to the Older Americans Act "as amended" is deleted in light of Art. 1, § 21, which provides generally that a reference to a law includes any amendments to the law.
Defined Terms.
"Department" § 10-101
(g) Secretary.- "Secretary" means the Secretary of Aging.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 70B, § 1(g).
No changes are made.
[An. Code 1957, art. 70B, § 1(a)-(g); 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]