§ 10-309. Services for frail or health-impaired seniors.
(a) In general.-
(1) The Interagency Committee shall:
(i) develop a system to provide services to frail or health-impaired seniors at risk of institutionalization; and
(ii) coordinate the system among the agencies represented on the Interagency Committee.
(2) The Department shall administer the system for the Interagency Committee.
(b) Services included.- The services shall include:
(1) integrated screening and evaluation;
(2) development of an individual plan of care;
(3) in-home services such as minor home repair, shopping assistance, homemaking, personal care, meal delivery or preparation, supportive services to group or shared living arrangements, transportation services, and health services; and
(4) community services such as day care, congregate meals, and other programs to assist seniors or adult caregivers in providing care for seniors.
(c) Community-based plan.- To be eligible to participate in the system, a county or counties shall establish a community-based plan that:
(1) is developed by a local or regional committee composed of:
(i) the directors of the local health department, local department of social services, and area agency; and
(ii) officials of other relevant agencies, such as local housing, transportation, employment, and economic development officials;
(2) is consistent with the plan developed under § 10-306(a) of this subtitle;
(3) specifies administrative arrangements to evaluate and develop care plans for frail or health-impaired seniors;
(4) encourages further coordination of service delivery;
(5) fosters individual contributions for services provided;
(6) fosters the development of innovative service delivery;
(7) fosters the development of services in conjunction with the private sector; and
(8) fosters community involvement through the use of volunteers.
(d) Management and coordination.- The Interagency Committee, through the Department, shall work with local health departments, local departments of social services, area agencies, and local housing, transportation, economic development, and employment development officials to develop:
(1) a system to designate case managers to secure and manage necessary services for each frail or health-impaired senior in need; and
(2) guidelines to establish local or regional committees to coordinate the services system to implement this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 70B, § 4H; 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]