§ 10-434. Sale or transfer of facility ownership - Subscriber questions and comments.
(a) Submission of written questions and comments.- Within 15 days after the notice required under § 10-433(a)(2) of this subtitle is given, subscribers may submit to the existing provider, any proposed new provider, and the Department written questions and comments about the proposed sale or transfer.
(b) Meeting required.-
(1) Within 25 days after the notice required under § 10-433(a) (2) of this subtitle is given, representatives of the existing provider and any proposed new provider shall hold a meeting with not more than 15 representatives chosen by the subscribers of the affected facility to discuss the proposed sale or transfer.
(2) The subscriber representatives shall give their names and addresses to the existing provider, any proposed new provider, and the Department.
(3) Representatives of the Department may attend the meeting.
(c) Additional written comments.- Within 10 days after the meeting required under subsection (b) of this section, subscribers may submit to the existing provider, any proposed new provider, and the Department additional written comments about the proposed sale or transfer.
[An. Code 1957, art. 70B, § 11D(b)(5)-(7); 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]