§ 10-457. Preliminary certificate of registration.
(a) Required.- A provider may not enter into an agreement to provide continuing care at home services until the Department issues a preliminary certificate of registration to the provider.
(b) Application.- An application for a preliminary certificate of registration shall:
(1) be filed in a form satisfactory to the Department; and
(2) include at least the following information:
(i) a copy of the proposed continuing care at home agreement, which shall include the following statement set forth in print no smaller than the largest type used in the body of the agreement:
"A certificate of registration is not an endorsement or guarantee of this continuing care at home provider by the State of Maryland. The Maryland Department of Aging urges you to consult an attorney and a suitable financial advisor before signing any documents.";
(ii) the form and substance of any proposed advertisements, advertising campaigns, or other promotional materials for the program that is available at the time of filing the application and that has not been filed previously with the Department; and
(iii) any other information that the Department requires.
(c) Issuance.- The Department shall issue a preliminary certificate of registration to a provider if the Department determines that:
(1) the proposed continuing care at home agreement is satisfactory;
(2) the provider has submitted all proposed advertisements, advertising campaigns, and other promotional materials for the program;
(3) the form and substance of all advertisements, advertising campaigns, and other promotional materials submitted are not deceptive, misleading, or likely to mislead;
(4) the information and documents submitted with the feasibility study under § 10-455 of this subtitle are current and accurate or have been updated to make them accurate; and
(5) the provider has submitted any other information that the Department requests.
[An. Code 1957, art. 70B, § 22A(h), (i); 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]