§ 10-501. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this part the following words have the meanings indicated.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 26(a).
It is restated in the standard introductory language to a definition section.
(b) Capital equipment.- "Capital equipment" means essential fixed equipment and furnishings with an expected useful life of at least 15 years.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 70B, § 26(c).
The only changes are in style.
(c) Cost.-
(1) "Cost" means all expenses incident to the construction, acquisition, conversion, renovation, or improvement of a project.
(2) "Cost" includes:
(i) the cost to acquire any interest in real or personal property in connection with a project;
(ii) the cost of financial, technical, professional, engineering, and legal services in connection with a project whether the expenses are incurred before or after any bond, note, or other evidence of indebtedness or obligation is issued by the State to finance the project;
(iii) the cost of development of a senior citizen activities center master plan; and
(iv) the cost of plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of costs and revenues, feasibility or practicability reports, machinery, equipment, and administrative expenses, and other expenses that are necessary and incident to the financing authorized for the project.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 26(b) and (d).
The former defined term "[b]ond" in former Art. 70B, § 26(b) was only used in the former definition of "[c]ost" in former Art. 70B, § 26(d). The substance of former § 26(b) is incorporated into the revised definition of "[c]ost" in this subsection.
In paragraph (1) of this subsection, the reference to cost "means" is substituted for the former reference to cost "includes" as this definition is intended to be exhaustive in nature, not merely illustrative.
Also in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the former reference to "as applied to any project" is deleted as unnecessary in light of the reference to the "expenses incident to ... a project".
Also in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the former reference to the "cost of" is deleted as redundant.
Also in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the former reference to a project for "use as a senior citizen activities center" is deleted as redundant in light of the definition of "project".
In the introductory language of paragraph (2) of this subsection, the former reference to "expenses" is deleted as included in the reference to "cost".
In paragraph (2)(ii) of this subsection, the phrase "whether the expenses are incurred before or after any bond ... is issued" is substituted for the former phrase "as to any obligation or expense that is incurred before the bonds are issued" for clarity.
Also in paragraph (2)(ii) of this subsection, the former reference to the cost of services "that may be used in the construction, acquisition, conversion, renovations, or improvement" of a project is deleted as included in the reference to the cost of services "in connection with" a project. Similarly, in paragraph (2)(iv) of this subsection, the former reference to expenses that are necessary and incident to the financing authorized for the "construction, acquisition, conversion, renovation, or improvement" is deleted as included in the reference to expenses that are necessary and incident to the financing authorized for the "project".
Also in paragraph (2)(ii) of this subsection, the former reference to the State being authorized to issue any bond, note, or other evidence of indebtedness or obligation "under this article" is deleted for accuracy. Former Article 70B did not authorize the State to issue bonds, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness or obligation.
Defined Terms.
"Improvement" § 10-501
"Master plan" § 10-501
"Project" § 10-501
(d) Grant.- "Grant" means a grant from the State under the Program.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 26(f).
Defined Terms.
"Program" § 10-501
(e) Improvement.- "Improvement" means construction, replacement, extension, or betterment of a project or real property.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 70B, § 26(h).
The only changes are in style.
Defined Terms.
"Project" § 10-501
(f) Master plan.- "Master plan" means a comprehensive plan for a local government's projected need for funds for senior citizen activities centers over 15 years.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 26(i).
The only changes are in style.
Defined Terms.
"Senior citizen activities center" § 10-501
(g) Program.- "Program" means the Senior Citizen Activities Centers Capital Improvement Grants Program.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language added to avoid the repetition of the full reference to the "Senior Citizen Activities Centers Capital Improvement Grants Program".
(h) Project.- "Project" means a proposed or existing senior citizen activities center that:
(1) receives or has received a grant for work that is eligible under this part;
(2) is operated under the authority of a unit of local government; and
(3) is:
(i) wholly owned by the unit of local government; or
(ii) leased by a unit of local government if:
1. the lease is for a minimum term of 15 years after completion of the project or gives the lessee the right of purchase; and
2. the lessor consents to the recording of a notice of the right of recovery under § 10-506 of this subtitle in the land records of the county in which the facility is located.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 26(j) and (l).
In item (1) of this subsection, the reference to "work that is eligible under this part" is substituted for the former reference to "eligible work" for clarity.
In item (2) of this subsection and throughout this subtitle, the term "unit" is substituted for the former term "agency". The term "unit" is used as the general term for an entity in the government because it is inclusive enough to include all those entities.
In item (3)(ii)2 of this subsection, the reference to the "county" is substituted for the former reference to the "political subdivision" because land records are held in each county.
The former defined term "wholly owned" is deleted as unnecessary because the substance of the term is included within this subsection.
Defined Terms.
"County" § 1-101
"Grant" § 10-501
"Senior citizen activities center" § 10-501
(i) Senior citizen activities center.- "Senior citizen activities center" means a community or neighborhood facility in which a broad spectrum of services are organized and provided to individuals at least 60 years old or their spouses, including health, social, nutritional, educational, and recreational services.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection is new language derived without substantive change from former Art. 70B, § 26(e) and (k).
The reference to "services" is substituted for the former reference to "programs" for consistency throughout this subsection.
The reference to "individuals" is substituted for the former reference to a "person" because only a human being, and not the other entities included in the defined term "person", may use the described services.
The former defined term "elderly citizen" is deleted as unnecessary because the substance of the term is included within this subsection.
[An. Code 1957, art. 70B, § 26(a)-(f), (h)-(l); 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]