§ 5-205. Powers and duties of Administration.
(a) Public assistance.- The Administration shall be the central coordinating and directing agency of all public assistance programs in the State, including:
(1) the Family Investment Program and related cash benefit programs;
(2) public assistance to adults;
(3) emergency assistance;
(4) food stamps;
(5) medical assistance eligibility determinations;
(6) the Energy Assistance Program; and
(7) any other public assistance activities financed wholly or partly by the Administration.
(b) Supervision of local departments.- The Administration shall supervise, direct, and control the activities of the local departments that it finances wholly or partly.
(c) Site visits and inspections.-
(1) The Administration may visit any State-aided institution, organization, or agency engaged in public assistance activities and inspect thoroughly its management, buildings, and equipment.
(2) Visits and inspections under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be made:
(i) at reasonably convenient hours; and
(ii) with reasonable regard for the established discipline, regulations, and customs of the institution, organization, or agency.
(d) Designation of agents.- As desirable or necessary for the purpose of this title, the Administration may designate existing agencies or organizations in the State as the Administration's agents.
(e) Annual report.- Before the start of each regular session of the General Assembly, the Administration shall submit a report of its activities to the Governor.
[An. Code 1957, art. 88A, §§ 1A(a), 3(a)(1), (2), (e)-(g); 2007, ch. 3, § 2; 2008, ch. 116, § 2.]