§ 9-229. State facilities - Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center.
(a) Operation and management.- The Department shall operate and manage the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center as a centralized regional juvenile intake, assessment, court, and detention facility for Baltimore City.
(b) Included units.- The Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center shall include:
(1) the Department;
(2) the Juvenile Division of the Circuit Court for Baltimore City;
(3) an office of the State's Attorney for Baltimore City;
(4) an office of the Baltimore City Department of Social Services;
(5) Baltimore City police services; and
(6) courthouse security services of the Sheriff of Baltimore City.
(c) Child in custody.- If a child who is delinquent or is alleged to have committed a delinquent act is taken into custody by a law enforcement officer and brought to the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center, the Department, in conjunction with Baltimore City police services, shall:
(1) for purposes of positive identification, obtain photographs and fingerprints and submit them to:
(i) the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository; and
(ii) any other automated juvenile justice information system or repository approved by the Secretary;
(2) conduct a criminal and juvenile history records check; and
(3) conduct an automated search for outstanding warrants and writs of attachment.
(d) Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository - Dissemination of information.-
(1) After the processing of fingerprints, the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository shall provide to the Department, in accordance with State and federal law, information concerning children taken into custody under subsection (c) of this section.
(2) Information concerning a child disseminated from the Criminal Justice Information System Central Repository is a police record under § 10-101(h) of the Criminal Procedure Article and may not be redisseminated except in accordance with § 3-8A-27(a) of the Courts Article.
(e) Administrators.- Subject to the authority of the Secretary:
(1) the managing director of the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center is its chief administrator; and
(2) the director of detention of the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center is its administrator of juvenile detention.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83C, § 2-118.1; 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]