§ 9-235. Juvenile care facilities - Child care homes.
(a) License required.- Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a person shall be licensed by the Department as a child care home before the person may exercise care, custody, or control over a child who is alleged to be or is adjudicated delinquent or in need of supervision.
(b) Exceptions.- This section does not apply to:
(1) a parent of the child;
(2) an individual related to the child by blood or marriage within 4 degrees of consanguinity under the civil law rule;
(3) a guardian of the child;
(4) a person who exercises temporary custody or control over the child at the request of a parent or guardian of the child and who is not required otherwise to be licensed;
(5) a person who has the care, custody, or control of the child through placement by a parent or grandparent of the child in contemplation of adoption, if the requirements of § 5-507(b)(2) and (c) of the Family Law Article are met;
(6) an institution that has a child care institution license under this subtitle or § 5-509 of the Family Law Article;
(7) an institution operated by a unit of the State or a political subdivision; or
(8) a foster care provider with whom the child is placed by:
(i) a licensed child placement agency;
(ii) a local department of social services;
(iii) the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene;
(iv) the Department; or
(v) a court of competent jurisdiction.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83C, § 2-123; 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]