§ 9-237. Juvenile detention facilities - Standards.
(a) In general.- The Department shall adopt regulations that set standards for juvenile detention facilities operated by the Department and by private agencies under contract with the Department.
(b) Purposes.- The standards shall reflect the following central purposes of juvenile detention:
(1) to protect the public;
(2) to provide a safe, humane, and caring environment for children; and
(3) to provide access to required services for children.
(c) Included provisions.- The standards shall include provisions establishing:
(1) a policy that eliminates the unnecessary use of detention and that prioritizes diversion and appropriate nonsecure alternatives;
(2) criteria for the placement of a child in a particular juvenile detention facility;
(3) population limits for each juvenile detention facility that may not be exceeded except in emergency circumstances;
(4) a requirement that staffing ratios and levels of services be maintained during emergencies;
(5) specifications for the architectural structure of a juvenile detention facility;
(6) staff qualifications and training, including training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect;
(7) the ratio of staff to children in a juvenile detention facility;
(8) the rights of children in a juvenile detention facility, including the right to privacy, visitors, telephone use, and mail delivery;
(9) prohibitions against the use of excessive force against a child; and
(10) internal auditing and monitoring of programs and facilities in the juvenile services system.
(d) Consistency with other laws.- The standards shall be consistent with this title and Title 3, Subtitle 8A of the Courts Article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 83C, § 2-135; 2007, ch. 3, § 2.]