§ 12-305. Motor vehicle liability insurance - Mandatory settlement of property damage claim.
(a) Pending bodily injury claim.- A claim for damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident may not be denied or payment of the claim delayed because the claimant, or another person, has a claim pending for bodily injury that may have arisen from the same or another accident.
(b) Prompt payment of property damage claim.- The amount payable for a claim for damage to property is due and owing immediately and shall be paid promptly by an insurer or by a self-insurer that is approved under § 17-103(a) of the Transportation Article if:
(1) the insurer or self-insurer has provided the coverage for the liable party; and
(2) there is no significant dispute about:
(i) the liability for the payment of the full property damages; or
(ii) the monetary amount of those damages, including:
1. if claimed, an amount for the loss of the use of the motor vehicle; and
2. the cost of obtaining an estimate of repairs.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 384B; 1995, ch. 36.]