§ 14-603. Registration required.
(a) Discount medical plans.-
(1) An entity shall register with the Commissioner as a discount medical plan organization before a discount medical plan established by that entity is sold, marketed, or solicited in the State.
(2) A discount medical plan may not be sold, marketed, or solicited in the State unless the discount medical plan organization that established the discount medical plan is registered with the Commissioner.
(b) Discount drug plans.-
(1) An entity shall register with the Commissioner as a discount drug plan organization before a discount drug plan established by that entity is sold, marketed, or solicited in the State.
(2) A discount drug plan may not be sold, marketed, or solicited in the State unless the discount drug plan organization that established the discount drug plan is registered with the Commissioner.
(c) Filing and fee.- An applicant for registration shall:
(1) file with the Commissioner an application on the form that the Commissioner requires; and
(2) pay to the Commissioner an application fee of $250.
(d) Consolidated filing.- An entity that is required to register with the Commissioner under both subsections (a) and (b) of this section may file one application with the Commissioner and pay one application fee.
(e) List of authorized persons to be filed with application.- An applicant shall file with its application a list of the persons authorized to sell, market, or solicit a discount medical plan or discount drug plan established by the applicant.
[2007, ch. 629.]