§ 2-204. Orders and notices.
(a) Form.- An order or notice of the Commissioner must be in writing and signed by the Commissioner or an individual authorized by the Commissioner.
(b) Contents of order.-
(1) An order of the Commissioner shall state:
(i) its effective date;
(ii) its purpose;
(iii) the grounds on which it is based; and
(iv) the provisions of this article under which action is or proposed to be taken.
(2) Failure to designate a particular provision of this article in accordance with paragraph (1)(iv) of this subsection does not deprive the Commissioner of the right to rely on that provision.
(c) Service.- An order or notice may be served on a person by:
(1) mailing it to the person at the last known principal place of business of the person, as listed in the records of the Commissioner; or
(2) otherwise delivering it to the person.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 29; 1995, ch. 36.]