§ 2-206. Examinations of insurance producers, managers, and others.
When advisable to determine compliance with this article, the Commissioner may examine the accounts, records, documents, and transactions that relate to the insurance affairs or proposed insurance affairs of:
(1) an insurance producer, surplus lines broker, general agent, adjuster, public adjuster, or adviser;
(2) a person with the exclusive or dominant right under a contract to manage or control an insurer;
(3) a person that, for the purpose of controlling the management of a domestic insurer, holds the shares of voting stock or policyholder proxies of the domestic insurer as voting trustee or otherwise; or
(4) a person engaged in, proposing to engage in, or helping in the promotion or formation of:
(i) a domestic insurer or insurance holding corporation; or
(ii) a corporation to finance a domestic insurer or the production of its business.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 31; 1995, ch. 36; 1996, ch. 60; 2001, ch. 731, § 1.]