§ 2-211. Notice of hearing.
(a) Persons to be notified.-
(1) At least 10 days before a hearing, the Commissioner shall give notice of the hearing:
(i) to each person specified in the provision of this article under which the hearing is held; or
(ii) if the provision under which the hearing is held does not specify the persons to be notified, to each person directly affected by the hearing.
(2) If not all persons entitled to notice of the hearing are known, the Commissioner may perfect notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the State at least 10 days before the hearing.
(b) Contents.- The notice of the hearing shall state:
(1) the time and place of the hearing; and
(2) the matters to be considered at the hearing.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 37; 1995, ch. 36.]