§ 2-303.1. Duties of the Administration.
(a) Consumer access to health insurance.- The Administration shall serve as the single point of entry for consumers to access any and all information regarding health insurance and the delivery of health care as it relates to health insurance, including information prepared or collected by:
(1) the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;
(2) the Maryland Health Care Commission;
(3) the Health Services Cost Review Commission;
(4) the Department of Aging; and
(5) the Health Education and Advocacy Unit of the Attorney General's office.
(b) Promoting availability of information.-
(1) The Administration, in cooperation with the entities listed in subsection (a) of this section and any other person it deems appropriate, shall promote the availability of the information.
(2) The Maryland Health Care Commission shall assist the Administration in presenting the information in a format that is easily understandable for consumers.
(c) Funding.- Implementation of this section by the Administration shall be funded through the Health Care Regulatory Fund established under § 2-112.3 of this title.
[1999, ch. 120, § 1; ch. 702, § 5.]