§ 8-403. Application of subtitle and other insurance laws.
(a) Application of subtitle.-
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, societies are:
(i) governed exclusively by this subtitle; and
(ii) exempt from the other insurance laws of the State.
(2) A statute enacted after December 31, 1963, does not apply to societies unless the statute expressly states that it applies to them.
(b) Application of other insurance laws.-
(1) In addition to the provisions of this subtitle, the following provisions of this article apply to societies to the extent not in conflict with the express provisions and reasonable implications of this subtitle:
(i) Title 1 of this article;
(ii) Title 2, Subtitle 1 of this article, including § 2-112 of this article;
(iii) Title 2, Subtitle 2 of this article;
(iv) § 3-117 of this article;
(v) § 3-127 of this article;
(vi) § 4-102(b) of this article;
(vii) § 4-113(a) (7), (8), and (9) of this article;
(viii) § 4-203 of this article;
(ix) § 4-204 of this article;
(x) § 5-103 of this article;
(xi) § 5-201 of this article;
(xii) Title 6, Subtitle 2 of this article;
(xiii) Title 9, Subtitle 2 of this article;
(xiv) § 10-120 of this article;
(xv) Title 15, Subtitle 9 of this article;
(xvi) Title 27 of this article; and
(xvii) § 1-301 of this article.
(2) In addition to the provisions of this subtitle, societies are subject to the provisions of Title 13, Subtitle 5 of the Estates and Trusts Article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, §§ 305, 353; CA § 6-418; 1995, ch. 36; 1997, ch. 70, § 7; ch. 649, § 2.]