§ 8-407. Service of process.
(a) Appointment of Commissioner as attorney.-
(1) Each society authorized to do business in the State must appoint the Commissioner as attorney for service of process issued against the society and any successor in interest in the State.
(2) The appointment of the Commissioner shall:
(i) be made in writing; and
(ii) state that:
1. any process against the society that is served on the Commissioner has the same legal effect as if served on the society; and
2. the appointment remains in effect as long as any liability of the society remains outstanding in the State.
(b) Copy of appointment as evidence.- A copy of an appointment made under this section and certified by the Commissioner is deemed sufficient evidence of the appointment and shall be admitted in evidence with the same effect as if it were the original.
[An. Code 1957, art. 48A, § 347; 1995, ch. 36.]