§ 8-411. Articles of incorporation of society.
(a) Execution.- The incorporators shall sign and acknowledge the articles of incorporation.
(b) Contents.- The articles of incorporation shall include:
(1) the purpose for which the society is being formed and the manner in which its corporate powers are to be exercised;
(2) the name of the society;
(3) the name, address, and state of residence of each incorporator; and
(4) the name, address, residence, and official title of each officer, trustee, director, and any other individual who will have general control of the management of the affairs and funds of the society for the first year and until the first election.
(c) Powers and purposes of society.-
(1) The powers set forth in the articles of incorporation may not exceed the powers granted to societies by this subtitle.
(2) The purposes of a society may include any lawful social, intellectual, educational, charitable, benevolent, moral, fraternal, or religious activity.
(d) Name of society.- The name of a society may not be misleadingly or confusingly similar to the name of any other society or insurer.
[CA § 6-403; 1995, ch. 36.]