§ 8-412. Filing requirements.
(a) In general.- The incorporators shall file with the Commissioner:
(1) the articles of incorporation of the society;
(2) certified copies of the society's laws and rules;
(3) copies of all proposed:
(i) forms of certificates;
(ii) applications for certificates; and
(iii) circulars to be issued by the society; and
(4) a bond conditioned on the return to applicants of advance premiums if the organization of the society is not completed within 1 year.
(b) Additional information.- The Commissioner may require any additional information that the Commissioner considers necessary.
(c) Requirements for bond.- The bond required under subsection (a) of this section must:
(1) be issued by a surety insurer approved by the Commissioner; and
(2) be in the amount required by the Commissioner, but not less than $300,000 nor more than $1,500,000.
(d) English language requirement.- Each document filed shall be in the English language.
[CA § 6-404; 1995, ch. 36; 1997, ch. 183, § 1.]