§ 10-122. Use of minority business enterprises to provide brokerage and investment services.
(a) Use of minority business enterprises.- Consistent with minority business purchasing standards applicable to units of State government under the State Finance and Procurement Article and consistent with the fiduciary duties of the Board, the Board shall attempt to use to the greatest extent feasible minority business enterprises to provide brokerage and investment management services to the Board.
(b) Services relating to all allocated asset classes included.- For purposes of this section, brokerage and investment management services shall include services relating to all allocated asset classes.
(c) Board to undertake measures to remove barriers.-
(1) To assist it in achieving the goal described under subsection (a) of this section, the Board shall undertake measures to remove any barriers that limit full participation by minority business enterprises in brokerage and investment management services opportunities afforded by the Fund.
(2) The measures undertaken by the Board shall include the use of a wide variety of media, including the Board's website, to provide notice to a broad and varied range of potential providers about the brokerage and investment management services opportunities afforded by the Fund.
(d) Guidelines.- In conjunction with the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs, the Board shall develop guidelines to assist it in identifying and evaluating qualified minority business enterprises in order to help the Fund achieve the objective for greater use of minority business enterprises for brokerage and investment management services.
(e) Annual reports.- On or before September 1 each year, the Board shall submit a report to the Governor's Office of Minority Affairs and, subject to § 2-1246 of the State Government Article, the General Assembly on:
(1) the identity of the minority business enterprise brokerage and investment management services firms used by the Board in the immediately preceding fiscal year;
(2) the percentage and dollar value of the Fund assets that are under the investment control of minority business enterprise brokerage and investment management services firms; and
(3) the measures the Board undertook in the immediately preceding fiscal year in accordance with subsection (c)(2) of this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 101, § 80; 1991, ch. 8, § 2; 1997, ch. 70, § 4; 2000, ch. 567; 2008, chs. 600, 601; 2009, ch. 336, § 2.]