§ 11-906. Patuxent Institution; funding.
(a) Patuxent Institution.- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, Patuxent Institution is a correctional institution within the Division of Correction and under the jurisdiction of the Education and Workforce Training Coordinating Council for Correctional Institutions for the funding of educational and workforce skills training programs only.
(b) Budget.- Funds for the operation of the educational and workforce skills training programs in correctional institutions shall be provided in the budget of the Department.
(c) Contribution by State agencies.- The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services and other State agencies may contribute to the programs identified under subsection (b) of this section.
(d) Diversion of funds prohibited.- Funds appropriated for educational and workforce skills training programs in correctional institutions may not be diverted by budget amendment or otherwise to any other purpose.
[2008, ch. 134; 2009, chs. 60, 309.]