§ 2-106. Regulations.
(a) Required.- The Commissioner shall adopt regulations that govern procedure for boards of arbitration under Title 4, Subtitle 1 of this article.
(b) Allowed - In general.- Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, and in addition to authority to adopt regulations that is set forth elsewhere, the Commissioner may adopt regulations that are necessary to carry out:
(1) Title 3, Subtitle 3 of this article;
(2) Title 3, Subtitle 5 of this article;
(3) Title 4, Subtitle 2, Parts I through III of this article;
(4) Title 5 of this article;
(5) Title 6 of this article; and
(6) Title 7 of this article.
(c) Allowed - In general - Wages and hours.-
(1) After a public hearing, the Commissioner may adopt regulations that are necessary to carry out Title 3, Subtitle 4 of this article.
(2) Unless the Commissioner provides otherwise, a regulation that the Commissioner adopts under this subsection takes effect on publication.
(d) Allowed - In general - Work on certain high voltage lines.- The Commissioner may adopt regulations that set forth the conditions under which an employer may require an employee to construct, erect, install, maintain, or repair a line that conducts electricity and that has a nominal voltage exceeding:
(1) 24,940 volts between a pair of conductors; or
(2) 14,400 volts between a conductor and a ground.
[An. Code 1957, art. 89, §§ 11, 13, 30, 31, 33, 62; art. 100, §§ 55C, 80A, 85, 86, 94; 1991, ch. 8, § 2; 1995, ch. 5; 1997, ch. 14, § 1; 2003, ch. 316, § 3; 2007, ch. 501, §§ 1, 2; ch. 502, §§ 1, 2.]