§ 7-404. Transportation of migrant agricultural workers.
(a) Vehicle.- Each farm labor contractor shall ensure that each vehicle that the farm labor contractor uses or causes to be used to transport a migrant agricultural worker in the State meets applicable federal and State standards for safety.
(b) Driver.- Each farm labor contractor shall ensure that the driver of each vehicle that the farm labor contractor uses or causes to be used to transport a migrant agricultural worker in the State is authorized under Title 16 of the Transportation Article to drive the vehicle.
(c) Insurance.-
(1) Each farm labor contractor shall ensure that the owner of each vehicle that the farm labor contractor uses or causes to be used to transport a migrant agricultural worker in the State has a policy that insures against liability for bodily injury and damage to property that arises from the ownership or operation of the vehicle.
(2) The Commissioner shall set, by regulation, the minimum amount of insurance coverage required under paragraph (1) of this subsection, but the amount may not exceed the coverage required under federal law.
[An. Code 1957, art. 100, § 80C; 1991, ch. 8, § 2.]