§ 10-418. Clothing worn by hunters or assistants.
(a) Applicability.- This section does not apply to any person who:
(1) Hunts any wildlife on the person's property with or without a hunter's license;
(2) Hunts deer with a bow and arrow during the season restricted to hunting with a bow and arrow;
(3) Hunts game birds or mammals during the open season using falcons, hawks, or owls; or
(4) Hunts or accompanies, aids, or assists another person hunting the following species:
(i) Wetland game birds;
(ii) Fur-bearing mammals;
(iii) Crows;
(iv) Doves; or
(v) Wild turkeys.
(b) In general.- Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, a person who hunts any wildlife and a person who accompanies, aids, or assists another person in a field, wooded area, marsh, or on the water to hunt any wildlife shall wear:
(1) A cap of a solid daylight fluorescent orange color;
(2) A vest, jacket, or jacket containing back and front panels of at least 250 square inches of a solid daylight fluorescent orange color; or
(3) An outer garment of camouflage fluorescent orange worn above the waist which contains at least 50 percent daylight fluorescent orange color.
(c) "Daylight fluorescent orange."- By regulation, the Department may define the term "daylight fluorescent orange" consistent with the recommendations of the North American Association of Hunter Safety Coordinators.
[1989, ch. 512; 1990, chs. 161, 432; 1991, ch. 55, § 1.]