§ 10-608. Offshore blind sites - Applications.
(a) In general.- A Maryland resident who possesses a current year or prior year hunting license may apply to the Department to license riparian shoreline for the purpose of establishing an offshore blind site.
(b) Requirements.- An applicant for a license shall:
(1) Submit to the Department:
(i) An application on a form provided by the Department; and
(ii) A signed statement that:
1. The location of the blind site is at least 125 yards from all other previously licensed riparian shoreline; and
2. The offshore blind site complies with all other pertinent laws and regulations; and
(2) Pay to the Department an application fee of $20 for each license requested.
(c) Submission.-
(1) The completed application shall be submitted to Department regional service centers or other designated local sites on days designated by the Department.
(2) The Department shall establish and adequately staff a site in each county where licensing occurs.
(3) The Department shall provide public notice of the licensing process through the media, Internet, and other sources.
(4) Licensing shall begin on or before the first Tuesday in August of each year on dates set by the Department.
(d) Maps of all licensed shorelines.- Each designated site or regional service center shall have maps available by July 15 of each year that show the location of all shoreline licensed by riparian landowners.
(e) Daily limitation.- Except for riparian landowners licensing their own property, a person may not obtain more than two licenses per day.
(f) Shoreline boundaries.- Each license shall apply to 250 yards of shoreline. Blind sites shall be located equidistant from the boundaries described by the license.
(g) Specific requirements in certain counties.- In Kent County and Queen Anne's County and on the nontidal waters of the Potomac River and its nontidal tributaries, only a riparian landowner owning the amount of shoreline required under § 10-607(d) of this subtitle or a landowner's lessee, licensee, or assignee may erect and maintain a stationary blind or blind site.
(h) Length of license validity.- Licenses are valid until June 30 of the following year and shall be issued in the order the applications are received in person.
[1999, ch. 703, § 2; 2003, ch. 21, § 1; 2004, ch. 85.]