§ 10-803. Sale and exchange of property.
(a) Exchange for privately owned area of land or water or sale for highest price.- If the Department considers it in the State's best interests and the Governor consents, the Department may exchange any area of land or water or part the Department owns together with any improvement on the area of land or water for any privately owned area of land or water equal to or greater in value than the area of land or water the Department exchanges and adapted for wildlife refuge and management. Also, the Department may sell any area of land or water or part of the area of land or water owned by the Department to the person who offers the highest price.
(b) Use as State parks.- The Department may use any acquired area of land or water as a State park.
(c) Deeds; disposition of proceeds of sales.- The Attorney General shall prepare any deed necessary to complete the exchange or sale of the area of land or water. The Secretary shall execute the deed. The net proceeds of any sale shall be deposited with the State Comptroller and placed to the credit of the State Wildlife Management and Protection Fund.
[An. Code 1957, art. 66C, § 189; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 4, § 1; 1984, ch. 255; 1990, ch. 6, § 2.]