§ 4-1031. Possession of undersized hard-shell clams.
(a) Transverse dimension.- In this section, "transverse dimension" means the measurement across both shells of a hard-shell clam at the widest point perpendicular to the hinge line where the two shells meet.
(b) Clam dealers.- A clam dealer may possess hard-shell clams having a transverse dimension of less than the size required by the Department if the dealer offers a bill of lading approved by the Department as proof that all clams were caught in waters outside the State.
[An. Code 1957, art. 66C, § 712; 1973, 1st Sp. Sess., ch. 4, § 1; 1974, ch. 864, § 3; 1976, ch. 57, § 1; 1998, ch. 280; 2009, ch. 208.]