§ 10-207. Safety standards for buildings.
(a) Materials.-
(1) In this subsection, "explosive composition" or "pyrotechnic composition" includes raw materials, materials being processed, and finished products.
(2) By regulation, the State Fire Prevention Commission shall determine the maximum amount of explosive composition or pyrotechnic composition that may be safely kept in any building in a fireworks plant at any time.
(3) A licensee shall:
(i) post conspicuously on each building in the fireworks plant, the limits on the amount of explosive composition or pyrotechnic composition authorized under this subsection; and
(ii) strictly comply with the limits.
(b) Sanitation.-
(1) A licensee shall keep each building in a fireworks plant clean, orderly, and free from accumulated dust or rubbish.
(2) If powder or other explosive materials are spilled on the floor of a building in a fireworks plant, the licensee shall ensure that the floor is cleaned immediately and that the powder or materials are removed immediately from the building.
(c) Waste materials.-
(1) A licensee shall ensure that rags, combustible and explosive scrap, and paper are:
(i) kept separate from each other; and
(ii) placed in approved marked containers.
(2) A licensee shall ensure that waste and rejected hazardous materials are:
(i) removed daily from each building;
(ii) removed at regular intervals from the fireworks plant; and
(iii) destroyed by submersion in water or by burning.
(3) A licensee shall ensure that nonhazardous waste is:
(i) removed at regular intervals from the fireworks plant; and
(ii) disposed of in a landfill system or by other suitable means.
(d) Fire extinguishers.- A licensee shall ensure that adequate and appropriate fire extinguishers that meet the State Fire Prevention Code are:
(1) kept in each building in a fireworks plant; and
(2) readily accessible at all times.
(e) Visitors.-
(1) Unless an individual has signed into a log and has stated in writing the purpose of the individual's visit to the fireworks plant, a licensee may not allow entry into a fireworks plant by an individual other than:
(i) an authorized employee; or
(ii) a representative of a unit of the federal government, a state government, or a political subdivision, having jurisdiction over the fireworks plant.
(2) A licensee shall:
(i) maintain the log of visitors to the fireworks plant for at least 2 years; and
(ii) make the log available for inspection by the State Fire Marshal or a representative of the State Fire Marshal.
(3) All visitors shall wear conductive footwear.
(f) Security guards.-
(1) There shall be at least one competent security guard present on duty whenever any explosive composition is located within a fireworks plant.
(2) The security guard:
(i) may not sleep on duty; and
(ii) shall patrol the entire fireworks plant regularly when the fireworks plant is not in operation.
[An. Code 1957, art. 38A, §§ 20(b), 21(2), 22(a)-(d), 23(a); 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]