§ 14-110. Local emergency plans.
(a) Emergency Preparedness Plan for hazardous materials.-
(1) Each county shall:
(i) prepare an Emergency Preparedness Plan for responding to an emergency that involves hazardous materials or controlled hazardous substances, as defined in the Environment Article; and
(ii) review the Plan annually and submit any changes to the Director so that the Director may maintain current and accurate information about the Plan.
(2) Each county shall submit its Emergency Preparedness Plan to the Director on or before October 1, 1998.
(b) Radiological emergency response plan.-
(1) A local organization for emergency management shall submit to the Director a radiological emergency response plan if the political subdivision in which the local organization for emergency management is located:
(i) falls within the plume or ingestion zone of a commercial nuclear reactor; or
(ii) might reasonably be expected to host evacuees from another jurisdiction in a plume or ingestion zone.
(2) The radiological emergency response plan shall provide for the evacuation of the residents of the political subdivision as a result of an emergency caused by a dangerous release of radiation.
[An. Code 1957, art. 16A, §§ 4(d), 7(a)(2); 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]