§ 2-204. General powers of Secretary.
(a) Police powers.- The Secretary and deputy secretary have throughout the State the same powers, privileges, immunities, and defenses as sheriffs, constables, police officers, and other peace officers possessed at common law and may now or in the future exercise within their respective jurisdictions.
(b) Management of Department.- In addition to any powers set forth elsewhere, the Secretary may:
(1) establish the organization of the Department;
(2) create units in the Department;
(3) define the functions, duties, and responsibilities of each unit in the Department;
(4) redefine periodically the functions, duties, and responsibilities of any unit in the Department, whether created by the Secretary or by law;
(5) assign and reassign employees of the Department to the duties, units, and regional facilities of the Department as the Secretary considers necessary to serve the needs of the Department and the public;
(6) establish standards, qualifications, and prerequisites of character, training, education, and experience for employees of the Department;
(7) establish ranks and grades and, in accordance with Title 6, Subtitle 4 of the State Personnel and Pensions Article, civilian classifications as the Secretary considers necessary and appropriate;
(8) designate the authority, responsibility, and duties of ranks, grades, and civilian classifications and the order of succession to positions of command within the Department;
(9) appoint, promote, reduce in rank or civilian classification, reassign, reclassify, retire, and discharge any employee of the Department in the manner required by law;
(10) regulate attendance, conduct, training, discipline, and procedure for employees of the Department;
(11) provide systems for periodic evaluation and improvement of the performance and physical condition of employees of the Department, including in-service training programs and courses;
(12) establish headquarters, barracks, posts, commands, and other regional facilities in localities as necessary for the efficient performance of the duties of the Department;
(13) close headquarters, barracks, posts, commands, and other regional facilities when their need ceases to exist;
(14) purchase or otherwise acquire the land, facilities, equipment, or services as are considered essential for the needs of the Department or its employees in carrying out their duties, in the manner required by law;
(15) sell or dispose of land, facilities, or equipment as they become unnecessary or unfit for further use, in the manner required by law;
(16) establish and modify systems for receiving, processing, and maintaining:
(i) reports and records of occurrences or alleged occurrences of crime and motor vehicle accidents in the State; and
(ii) reports and records of the administration, management, and operations of the Department; and
(17) establish procedures for safekeeping, copying, and destroying records of the Department.
(c) Limitation.- The Secretary may not exercise or perform the powers, duties, responsibilities, and functions set forth in §§ 6-301, 6-302, and 6-501 of this article.
[An. Code 1957, art. 88B, §§ 4(b), 15(b)(1)-(13), (c); 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]