§ 2-503. Required regulations.
(a) In general.- After consulting with the Director, the Secretary shall adopt appropriate regulations:
(1) for protocols and operations of the statewide DNA data base system;
(2) to govern the methods used to obtain information from the statewide DNA data base system and CODIS, including procedures to verify the identity and authority of the individual or agency that requests the information; and
(3) to govern the procedures used:
(i) to collect, submit, identify, analyze, store, and dispose of DNA samples; and
(ii) to allow access to and dissemination of typing results and personal identification information of DNA samples that are submitted under this subtitle.
(b) Quality assurance guidelines.- Each procedure adopted by the Director shall include quality assurance guidelines to ensure that DNA records meet standards and audit requirements for laboratories that submit DNA records for inclusion in the statewide DNA data base system and CODIS.
[An. Code 1957, art. 88B, § 12A(b)(4), (k)(1), (3)(i), (m)(3); 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]