§ 2-505. Purpose of collecting and testing DNA samples.
(a) In general.- To the extent fiscal resources are available, DNA samples shall be collected and tested:
(1) to analyze and type the genetic markers contained in or derived from the DNA samples;
(2) as part of an official investigation into a crime;
(3) to help identify human remains;
(4) to help identify missing individuals; and
(5) for research and administrative purposes, including:
(i) development of a population data base after personal identifying information is removed;
(ii) support of identification research and protocol development of forensic DNA analysis methods; and
(iii) quality control.
(b) Limitations on DNA records.-
(1) Only DNA records that directly relate to the identification of individuals shall be collected and stored.
(2) DNA records may not be used for any purposes other than those specified in this subtitle.
[An. Code 1957, art. 88B, § 12A(g); 2003, ch. 5, § 2; ch. 240.]