§ 3-110. Expungement of record of formal complaint.
(a) In general.- On written request, a law enforcement officer may have expunged from any file the record of a formal complaint made against the law enforcement officer if:
(1) (i) the law enforcement agency that investigated the complaint:
1. exonerated the law enforcement officer of all charges in the complaint; or
2. determined that the charges were unsustained or unfounded; or
(ii) a hearing board acquitted the law enforcement officer, dismissed the action, or made a finding of not guilty; and
(2) at least 3 years have passed since the final disposition by the law enforcement agency or hearing board.
(b) Admissibility of formal complaint.- Evidence of a formal complaint against a law enforcement officer is not admissible in an administrative or judicial proceeding if the complaint resulted in an outcome listed in subsection (a)(1) of this section.
[An. Code 1957, art. 27, § 728(b)(12)(ii); 2003, ch. 5, § 2; 2010, chs. 87, 88.]