§ 9-201. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(1).
The reference to this "subtitle" is substituted for the former reference to this "section" to reflect the reorganization of former § 12B as a subtitle in this revision.
No other changes are made.
(b) Dormitory.-
(1) "Dormitory" means a building or space in a building that:
(i) is under joint occupancy and single management; and
(ii) provides group sleeping accommodations:
1. with or without meals, but without individual cooking facilities;
2. for more than 16 individuals who are not members of the same family group; and
3. in one room or in a series of closely associated rooms.
(2) "Dormitory" includes a school dormitory, fraternity house, and military barracks.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(2).
The only changes are in style.
(c) Dwelling unit.- "Dwelling unit" means a single unit that:
(1) provides complete, independent living facilities for one or more individuals; and
(2) contains permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(3).
In item (2) of this subsection, the word "contains" is substituted for the former word "includ[es]" for clarity.
The only other changes are in style.
(d) Hotel.-
(1) "Hotel" means a building or group of buildings that:
(i) is under the same management;
(ii) contains more than 16 sleeping accommodations for hire; and
(iii) is used primarily by transients who are lodged with or without meals.
(2) "Hotel" includes an inn, motel, club, and apartment hotel.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(4).
The only changes are in style.
(e) Lodging or rooming house.-
(1) "Lodging or rooming house" means a building:
(i) in which separate sleeping rooms are rented; and
(ii) that provides sleeping accommodations:
1. for 16 or fewer individuals;
2. on either a transient or permanent basis; and
3. with or without meals, but without individual cooking facilities.
(2) "Lodging or rooming house" includes an inn, club, and bed and breakfast establishment.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(5).
In paragraph (1)(ii)3 of this subsection, the phrase "without individual cooking facilities" is substituted for the former phrase "without separate cooking facilities for individual occupants" to conform to subsection (b)(1)(ii)1 of this section.
The only other changes are in style.
(f) Multifamily residential dwelling.-
(1) "Multifamily residential dwelling" means a building or part of a building that:
(i) contains more than two dwelling units; and
(ii) is not classified as a one or two family dwelling.
(2) "Multifamily residential dwelling" does not include a town house.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(6).
The only changes are in style.
Defined Terms.
"Dwelling unit" § 9-201
(g) Public water system.-
(1) "Public water system" means a system that:
(i) provides the public with piped water for human consumption; and
(ii) has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals.
(2) "Public water system" includes:
(i) a collection, treatment, storage, or distribution facility that is under the control of the operator of the system and is used primarily in connection with the system; and
(ii) a collection or pretreatment storage facility that is not under the control of the operator of the system and is used primarily in connection with the system.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(7).
The only changes are in style.
(h) Sprinkler system.- "Sprinkler system" means a device that:
(1) opens automatically by operation of a heat responsive releasing mechanism;
(2) discharges water in a specific pattern over a designated area to extinguish or control fire; and
(3) uses the same service water supply pipe to the dwelling unit that the public water system uses.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(8)(i), (ii), and (iii).
The only changes are in style.
Defined Terms.
"Dwelling unit" § 9-201
"Public water system" § 9-201
(i) Town house.- "Town house" means a single family dwelling unit that is constructed in a horizontal series of attached units with property lines separating the units.
Revisor's Note.
This subsection formerly was Art. 38A, § 12B(a)(9).
The only changes are in style.
Defined Terms.
"Dwelling unit" § 9-201
[An. Code 1957, art. 38A, § 12B(a)(1)-(7), (8)(i)-(iii), (9); 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]