§ 9-702. Inspections and plan review.
(a) "Plan review" defined.- In this section, "plan review" has the meaning stated in § 6-308 of this article.
(b) Scope of section.-
(1) This section applies only to:
(i) a county that has adopted a comprehensive nationally recognized fire prevention code as the fire prevention code of the county; or
(ii) a municipal corporation that has adopted a comprehensive nationally recognized fire prevention code as the fire prevention code of the municipal corporation.
(2) This section does not apply to an inspection or plan review that is not within the jurisdiction of or is not conducted by:
(i) the county fire prevention bureau or office of county fire marshal; or
(ii) the municipal fire prevention bureau or office of municipal fire marshal.
(c) Fees and fee schedules.-
(1) To ensure compliance with the fire prevention code of the county or municipal corporation, the local governing body of the county or legislative body of the municipal corporation may adopt ordinances or regulations to establish and administer a fee schedule for conducting inspections and plan reviews.
(2) (i) The county fire prevention bureau shall:
1. collect the fees established by the local governing body of the county for conducting inspections;
2. keep records of all fees collected under this section; and
3. pay all moneys collected under this section into the general fund of the county.
(ii) The municipal fire prevention bureau shall:
1. collect the fees established by the legislative body of the municipal corporation for conducting inspections;
2. keep records of all fees collected under this section; and
3. pay all moneys collected under this section into the general fund of the municipal corporation.
(3) To ensure that the moneys collected at least cover the costs of conducting inspections and plan reviews, the fee schedule adopted under this section shall be reviewed annually by:
(i) for a county, the local governing body of the county and the chief fiscal officer of the county; and
(ii) for a municipal corporation, the legislative body of the municipal corporation and the chief fiscal officer of the municipal corporation.
(d) Plan review.-
(1) Plans shall be submitted to the county fire prevention bureau and to the municipal fire prevention bureau for plan review and approval before actual construction of:
(i) a new building or addition;
(ii) a building undergoing a change of occupancy that requires substantial modification; or
(iii) a part of a building that has sustained damage from fire, explosion, or other cause.
(2) Plans for a building undergoing alterations, renovations, or remodeling that do not require submission under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be submitted for review of maintenance of proper egress and fire protection features.
(3) (i) The county fire prevention bureau shall conduct a plan review to ensure compliance with the fire prevention code of the county.
(ii) The municipal fire prevention bureau shall conduct a plan review to ensure compliance with the fire prevention code of the municipal corporation.
(4) The fee for each plan review shall be submitted with the plans.
[An. Code 1957, art. 23A, § 6(b)(1)(i), (iii), (iv), (b)(2)-(8); art. 24, §§ 5-101(a), (d), (e), 5-102 - 5-107; 2003, ch. 5, § 2.]