§ 8-602.Jurisdiction of Commission; construction of subtitle; notification.
(a) Jurisdiction of Commission.- The Commission does not have jurisdiction over the regulation of VoIP service, including the imposition of regulatory fees, certification requirements, and the filing or approval of tariffs.
(b) Construction of subtitle.- Nothing in this subtitle may be construed to:
(1) require or prohibit the assessment of 9-1-1 fees in accordance with § 1-310 of the Public Safety Article on VoIP;
(2) require or prohibit the assessment of fees for telecommunications relay service under Title 3, Subtitle 8 of the State Finance and Procurement Article;
(3) require or prohibit the payment of any switched network access rates or other intercarrier compensation rates that may be determined to apply;
(4) relieve a company that is otherwise subject to § 8-201 of this title of its obligation to provide telephone lifeline service over local exchange access lines that are subject to the Commission's jurisdiction;
(5) exempt VoIP service from generally applicable State and federal laws relating to public safety, consumer protection, and unfair and deceptive trade practices, or to exempt VoIP service from the authority of the Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General; or
(6) remove the Commission's jurisdiction over circuit switched local exchange access service.
(c) Notification.- A company that moves a customer from a Commission-approved tariff service to VoIP service shall notify the customer that the Commission does not have jurisdiction over the regulation of VoIP service and that complaints about VoIP service may be filed with the Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General.
[2007, chs. 580, 581.]