§ 7-706.Recovery of costs or compliance fees; waiver.
(a) Recovery of costs.-
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, in accordance with the obligation to provide standard offer service through the bid process created under § 7-510 of this title, the Commission shall allow an electricity supplier to recover actual dollar-for-dollar costs incurred, including a compliance fee under § 7-705 of this subtitle, in complying with a State-mandated renewable energy portfolio standard.
(2) In accordance with the Phase II settlement agreement approved by the Commission in Order No. 78710 in Case No. 8908 on September 30, 2003, for any full-service agreement executed before the renewable energy standard under this subtitle applies to an electric company, the electric company and its wholesale electricity suppliers may pass through their commercially reasonable additional costs, if any, associated with complying with the standard, through the end of the year of standard offer service in which the requirement took effect.
(b) Recovery of compliance fees.- An electricity supplier may recover a compliance fee if:
(1) the payment of a compliance fee is the least-cost measure to customers as compared to the purchase of Tier 1 renewable sources to comply with a renewable energy portfolio standard;
(2) there are insufficient Tier 1 renewable sources available for the electricity supplier to comply with a renewable energy portfolio standard; or
(3) a wholesale electricity supplier defaults or otherwise fails to deliver renewable energy credits under a supply contract approved by the Commission.
(c) Form of cost recovery; disclosures to customers.- Any cost recovery under this section:
(1) for all electricity suppliers, may be in the form of a generation surcharge payable by all current electricity supply customers, except as otherwise provided in § 7-704(e) of this subtitle;
(2) shall be disclosed to customers in a manner to be determined by the Commission; and
(3) may not include the costs for a power purchase contract under the federal Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act contemplated in rates or restructuring proceedings.
(d) Waiver of compliance fees.-
(1) In accordance with regulations adopted by the Commission in consultation with the Department of Business and Economic Development, the Commission may waive the recovery of all or part of the compliance fee assessed on the load of a particular industrial or nonretail commercial customer for a particular year, based on a demonstration by the applicant of an extreme economic hardship that significantly impairs the continued operation of the applicant.
(2) Any compliance fee recovery that is waived under this subsection may not be assessed against other customers.
(3) An electricity supplier is not liable for any compliance fee that is waived under this subsection.
[2004, ch. 487, § 1; ch. 488, § 1; 2007, chs. 119, 120.]