§ 10-704. Notice in contract of sale of property subject to certain taxes or fees in Frederick County.
(a) In general.- In Frederick County, the vendor of a property that is subject to a tax or fee of a special taxing district as authorized in Article 23A, § 44A(b) of the Code or by a community development authority as authorized in § 2-7-125(b) of the Public Local Laws of Frederick County may not enforce a contract for the sale of the property unless within 20 calendar days after entering into the contract, the purchaser of the property is provided the following information in writing:
(1) In conspicuous, bold, and underscored type, substantially the same as the following clause:
"This sale is subject to a tax or fee of a (special taxing district or community development authority). State law requires that the seller disclose to you at or before the time the contract is entered into, or within 20 calendar days after entering into the contract, certain information concerning the property you are purchasing. The content of the information to be disclosed is set forth in § 10-704 of the Real Property Article of the Maryland Annotated Code and includes the amount of the current annual tax or fee of the (special taxing district or community development authority) for the property, the number of years remaining for the tax or fee of the (special taxing district or community development authority), and a statement of whether any tax or fee of the (special taxing district or community development authority) against the property is delinquent.";
(2) The amount of the current annual tax or fee of the special taxing district or community development authority for the property;
(3) The number of years remaining for the tax or fee of the special taxing district or community development authority on the property; and
(4) Whether any tax or fee of the special taxing district or community development authority against the property is delinquent.
(b) Requirements.- The requirements of subsection (a) of this section shall be deemed fulfilled if the information required to be provided to the purchaser is done so in writing, in a clear and concise manner.
(c) How provided.- The statement required under subsection (a)(1) of this section may be provided to the purchaser by the inclusion of the statement as a clause in the contract for sale of the property.
[2006, ch. 93.]