§ 11-124. Rules of construction.
(a) Certain rules of law not applicable.- Neither the rule of law known as the Rule Against Perpetuities nor the rule of law known as the Rule Restricting Unreasonable Restraints on Alienation may be applied to defeat or invalidate any provision of this title or of any declaration, bylaws, or other instrument made pursuant to the provisions of this title.
(b) Substantial conformity by declaration, bylaws and plat sufficient.- The provisions of any declaration, bylaws, and condominium plat filed pursuant to this title shall be liberally construed to facilitate the creation and operation of the condominium. So long as the declaration, bylaws, and condominium plat substantially conform with the requirements of this title, a variance from the requirements does not affect the condominium status of the property in question nor the title of any unit owner to his unit, his votes, and his percentage interests in the common elements and in common expenses and common profits.
(c) Declaration, bylaws and plat construed together; amendment of required provision.- The declaration, bylaws, and condominium plat shall be construed together and shall be deemed to incorporate one another to the extent that any requirement of this title as to the content of one shall be deemed satisfied if the deficiency can be cured by reference to any of the others. Any provision required by this title may be amended only in accordance with the requirements for amendment applicable to the instrument in which, absent this subsection, it is required to be contained.
(d) Provisions of declaration, bylaws and plat severable.- All provisions of the declaration, bylaws, and condominium plat are severable and the invalidity of one provision does not affect the validity of any other provision.
(e) Conflicts in provisions.- If there is any conflict among the provisions of this title, the declaration, condominium plat, bylaws, or rules adopted pursuant to § 11-111 of this title, the provisions of each shall control in the succession listed hereinbefore commencing with "title".
(f) Effect of execution of certain instruments by mortgagees.- The execution of any instrument by a mortgagee for the purpose of consenting to the legal operation and effect of a declaration, bylaws, and condominium plat does not, unless the contrary is expressly stated, affect the priority of the mortgage or deed of trust. The execution and recordation of a release of a unit in a condominium by a mortgagee which refers to the condominium constitutes consent by that mortgagee to the legal operation and effect of the recorded declaration, bylaws, and condominium plat of that condominium.
[1974, ch. 641; 1975, ch. 786, § 1; 1976, ch. 348, § 1; 1981, ch. 246; 1984, ch. 584, § 2; 1988, ch. 6, § 1; 1989, ch. 5, § 1.]