§ 11-132. Documents to be delivered to council of unit owners by developer.
On transfer of control by the developer to the council of unit owners, the developer shall turn over documents including:
(1) Copies of the condominium's filed articles of incorporation, recorded declaration, and all recorded covenants, bylaws, plats, and restrictions of the condominium;
(2) Subject to the restrictions of § 11-116 of this title, all books and records of the condominium, including financial statements, minutes of any meeting of the governing body, and completed business transactions;
(3) Any policies, rules, and regulations adopted by the governing body;
(4) The financial records of the condominium from the date of creation to the date of transfer of control, including budget information regarding estimated and actual expenditures by the condominium and any report relating to the reserves required for major repairs and replacement of the common elements of the condominium;
(5) A copy of all contracts to which the condominium is a party;
(6) The name, address, and telephone number of any contractor or subcontractor employed by the condominium;
(7) Any insurance policies in effect and all prior insurance policies;
(8) Any permit or notice of code violation issued to the condominium by the county, local, State, or federal government;
(9) Any warranty in effect;
(10) Drawings, architectural plans, or other suitable documents setting forth the necessary information for location, maintenance, and repair of all condominium facilities; and
(11) Individual owner files and records, including assessment account records, correspondence, and notices of any violations.
[2009, chs. 95, 96.]