§ 2-301. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Authorized officer.- "Authorized officer" means any official of the State or any of its political subdivisions whose signature to a public security or instrument of payment is required or permitted.
(c) Facsimile signature.- "Facsimile signature" means a reproduction by engraving, imprinting, stamping, or other means of the manual signature of any authorized officer.
(d) Instrument of payment.- "Instrument of payment" means a check, draft, warrant, or order for the payment, delivery, or transfer of funds.
(e) Public security.- "Public security" means a bond, note, certificate of indebtedness, or other obligation for the payment of money, issued by the State or by any of its political subdivisions.
(f) State.- "State" means the State or any of its departments, agencies, public bodies, or other instrumentalities.
[An. Code 1957, art. 31, § 13; 1985, ch. 11, § 2.]