§ 10-1102. Definitions.
(a) In general.- In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) Equal access.- "Equal access" means to be informed of, participate in, and benefit from public services offered by a State department, agency, or program, at a level equal to English proficient individuals.
(c) Limited English proficiency.- "Limited English proficiency" means the inability to adequately understand or express oneself in the spoken or written English language.
(d) Oral language services.- "Oral language services" includes various methods to provide verbal information and interpretation such as staff interpreters, bilingual staff, telephone interpreter programs, and private interpreter programs.
(e) Program.- "Program" means all of the operations of a State department, State agency, or any other instrumentality of the State.
(f) Vital documents.-
(1) "Vital documents" means all applications or informational materials, notices, and complaint forms offered by State departments, agencies, and programs.
(2) "Vital documents" does not include applications and examinations related to the licensure, certification, or registration under the Health Occupations Article, Financial Institutions Article, Business Occupations and Professions Article, and Business Regulation Article within the jurisdiction of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene or the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation.
[2002, ch. 141; 2010, ch. 72.]