§ 15-101. Legislative findings; policy; liberal construction.
(a) Legislative findings.-
(1) The General Assembly of Maryland, recognizing that our system of representative government is dependent upon the people maintaining the highest trust in their government officials and employees, finds and declares that the people have a right to be assured that the impartiality and independent judgment of those officials and employees will be maintained.
(2) It is evident that this confidence and trust is eroded when the conduct of the State's business is subject to improper influence or even the appearance of improper influence.
(b) Policy.- For the purpose of guarding against improper influence, the General Assembly enacts this Maryland Public Ethics Law to require certain government officials and employees to disclose their financial affairs and to set minimum ethical standards for the conduct of State and local business.
(c) Liberal construction of title.- The General Assembly intends that this title, except its provisions for criminal sanctions, be liberally construed to accomplish this purpose.
[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, § 1-102; 1995, ch. 533, § 2; 2010, chs. 170, 170.]