§ 15-807. Special requirements for definition of "local official" in specific counties.
(a) Baltimore City.- In Baltimore City, for the purpose of the financial disclosure provisions enacted by the governing body of Baltimore City, "local official" includes Baltimore City health and housing inspectors who inspect for lead hazards.
(b) Baltimore County.- For the purpose of the financial disclosure provisions enacted by the governing body of Baltimore County, "local official" includes:
(1) the executive director and each member of the revenue authority; and
(2) except for a member of the Baltimore County Board of Education, each member of a board of a State agency that is wholly or partly funded by Baltimore County, regardless of whether the member is compensated.
(c) Montgomery County.- In Montgomery County, "local official" includes:
(1) each member and employee of the Montgomery County Revenue Authority;
(2) each commissioner and employee of the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission; and
(3) county employees of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.
(d) Prince George's County.- In Prince George's County, "local official" includes:
(1) each member of the Board of License Commissioners;
(2) the chief inspector and any other inspector of the Board of License Commissioners;
(3) the administrator of the Board of License Commissioners; and
(4) the attorney to the Board of License Commissioners.
[An. Code 1957, art. 40A, §§ 1-201, 6-102, 6-202, 6-303; 1995, ch. 533, § 2; 1996, ch. 476; 2004, ch. 544.]